Single-Vehicle Collisions

Single-Vehicle Collisions - Accident Attorney, Sacramento CAA single vehicle accident can be a lot of things. Drivers can exit the road for any number of reasons including animals, rocks and debris and tire blow outs. Once off the road, vehicles may hit animals, structures, fence posts, and even mountainsides. If the road is on a bluff, exiting the road could mean falling several feet to a certain death. This term is reserved only for accidents in which the only injured parties are those in the vehicle involved in the accident. Most often these are due to operator error. Other factors can also play a part however. Things like weather, vehicle malfunction and faulty road construction can all play a part in these types of accidents.

Mistakenly, most people believe that accidents like T-Bones are the most dangerous of all auto crashes. A T-Bone is a 90 degree impact taking place at an intersection. They can be deadly and are very serious types of car wrecks. Rear end collisions and T-Bones are responsible for many car accidents each year but statistics have consistently shown that off-road, single vehicle crashes kill more people each year.

The cause of most single vehicle crashes boils down to losing control of the vehicle for any reason. Distractions like cell phones, insects and the radio or GPS are often huge distractions to a driver and may cause an accident. Fatigue and driving asleep also cause many accidents each year. Sometimes objects in the road or severe weather can cause a single car accident by causing the car to skid, veer or swerve off the road. Blown tires and faulty brakes are also big causes of these types of accidents. DUI or driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol are also a contributing factor in many one car accidents.

Authorities site the most common single car event, termed as a classic one car crash, as one that occurs when a driver drifts to the right and hits the rumble strips. Drivers will often jerk the car to the left after running off the road, causing the tires to come in contact with the edge of pavement and sometimes blow a tire or roll over. In other cases they simply swerve into traffic.

Single car crashes are best avoided with simple prevention tactics. As in most car accident fatalities and injuries, most can be avoided with a seatbelt. In the majority of single car accidents death is caused by being ejected from the vehicle. A person ejected from a car can be killed from the impacts received, cut and mutilated by the debris of the accident, crushed under a rolling vehicle or ran over by passers-by. The use of a seatbelt can prevent that.

There is no doubt about it, single car accidents are deadlier than they first sound. These accidents can be costly not only in medical fees and bills but also in emotional distress and loss of income and career. Prevention and safe driving techniques can go a long way in saving your life and the life of others on the road.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a single-vehicle car accident, call Sacramento car accident attorney, Moseley Collins. There is no fee to start and no cost to you unless we win.

Client Reviews
"When I was injured I felt truly hopeless. I didn't know where to turn when I was released from the hospital. Luckily, I remembered your phone number and I called you. You won a nice settlement for me. Thank you!" Charles T.
"May God bless you always, Moseley and your wonderful staff. You all were there for us when we needed it most. We are forever grateful." Tina N.
"Everyone at the law firm was helpful, considerate and courteous. I would highly recommend Moseley Collins. Thank you so much." Robyn D.