Seattle Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Suffering a spinal cord injury can change your life in an instant, leaving you unable to walk, work, or care for yourself or your family. You may face enormous medical bills, lost income, and a lifetime of challenges.

If your spinal cord injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, you have legal rights. A dedicated Seattle spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for your losses. At Moseley Collins Law, we have extensive experience in helping spinal cord injury victims in Washington.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in Seattle

Spinal cord injuries commonly occur due to:

Car Accidents

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerSudden impact forces in a collision can fracture, dislocate, crush, or compress the delicate spinal cord. Common spinal cord injuries due to car accidents include:

  • Whiplash
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal contusions
  • Partial or complete paraplegia/quadriplegia

Drivers who cause accidents due to drunk driving, speeding, running red lights, distracted driving, drowsy driving, reckless driving, and other negligence often inflict traumatic spinal damage on their victims. Our firm pursues maximum damages in these cases. We also handle claims against vehicle manufacturers if a defective part caused a crash leading to spinal cord injury.

Construction and Workplace Accidents

Employers are obligated to provide proper training, safety equipment, and adequate supervision to prevent the. If negligence leads to spinal injury, they may be liable.

Workers injured on the job also may have a workers’ compensation claim in addition to a third-party injury claim against any negligent parties. An experienced attorney can advise you on coordinating these two potential sources of compensation.

Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Slipping on wet floors, uneven surfaces, clutter, or other hazards can severely damage the spine. Property owners must keep their premises reasonably safe to prevent these accidents. Homeowners, businesses, government entities, and other property owners can be sued if their negligence causes a spinal cord injury.

Defective Products

Faulty design of consumer goods such as cars, cribs, chairs, and strollers can lead to catastrophic spinal damage. Product makers have a responsibility not to endanger public safety. If they sell an unreasonably dangerous defective product that injures someone, they can be held accountable. Our lawyers pursue maximum compensation in these cases.

Medical Malpractice

Botched spinal surgery, improper administering of anesthesia, failure to diagnose a condition, and other medical errors may damage the spinal cord. Doctors must meet accepted standards of medical care. If they deviate from proper protocol and harm the patient, it is medical malpractice. Hospitals also can be sued for negligent credentialing or supervision of doctors.

Nursing Home Abuse

Elderly nursing home residents are vulnerable to spinal cord injuries if their caretakers drop them, handle them roughly, or otherwise engage in neglect or abuse. Facilities are responsible for properly training and overseeing staff to ensure quality care.

Dog Bites

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerA dog attack can severely injure the spinal cord. In Washington, a dog owner can be held liable even if they didn't know their dog was dangerous.

No matter what caused your spinal cord injury, an attorney can help you understand your legal options and rights. The sooner you contact us after an injury, the better we can preserve evidence to prove liability.

Spinal Cord Injury Compensation in Washington State

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerThe costs of a spinal cord injury can be enormous. At Moseley Collins Law, we leave no stone unturned in recovering all available damages, such as:

Medical Expenses

We make sure the liable parties pay for all your hospitalization, surgery, medications, assistive devices, physical therapy, rehabilitation, in-home care, and other medical costs - both past and future. We work with doctors to prove your lifetime care plan.

Don’t worry about affording expert opinions on medical damages. We cover these costs and reimburse you at the end of your case.

Lost Income

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerIf you can no longer work because of your spinal cord injury, you may recover your lost wages. We retain vocational experts to calculate your reduced earning capacity over your expected career. These experts can factor in promotions, benefits, pensions, and other potential salary increases you may miss.

Pain and Suffering

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerThere is no fixed dollar amount for non-economic damages such as physical pain and emotional distress. Our lawyers maximize your payout by presenting evidence of how your injury has devastated your life. The more severe your injury and disability, the higher your pain and suffering award.

We hire life care planners and work with your doctors to fully document your health challenges, dependence on others, loss of abilities, and overall reduced quality of life. Jurors hear this compelling evidence of how a spinal cord injury turns someone’s world upside down. The defense cannot easily refute your own medical team.

Loss of Consortium

If married, your spouse can make a claim for loss of consortium - damages due to losing your companionship, affection, support, intimacy, and household services because of your injury. This depends on the severity of your condition.

Wrongful Death

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerIn the most tragic cases, spinal cord injuries result in death. Washington law allows certain family members to bring a wrongful death claim against the responsible parties. Our firm has successfully handled these high-stakes cases.

The exact value of your case depends on many factors. An experienced Seattle spinal cord injury lawyer thoroughly investigates liability and aggressively negotiates for full compensation. Do not leave money on the table. Let us handle every aspect of your claim.

Why Hire Moseley Collins Law for Your Spinal Cord Injury Case?

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerMoseley Collins Law has a proven record of success with spinal cord injury claims in Seattle and across Washington. Here are some key reasons to choose our firm:

  • Decades of experience. Our lawyers have been securing justice for spinal cord injury victims for over 40 years.
  • No fees unless we win. We advance all case costs and only collect a fee if we obtain compensation for you.
  • Caring support. We treat every client like family.
  • Christian values. Our Christian faith inspires us to fight for the injured with passion and integrity.

Do not wait to contact our office for a free case review. The statute of limitations gives you limited time to file a claim, so call today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Spinal Cord Injuries

Seattle Spinal Cord Injury LawyerIf you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury in Seattle, you likely have many questions. Here we answer some common concerns we hear from injury victims and their families:

What Are the Different Severities of Spinal Cord Injuries?

Spinal cord injuries range from mild to catastrophic. Doctors classify them as follows:

  • Complete injury. The spinal cord is fully cut or crushed, resulting in total paralysis below the injury site.
  • Incomplete injury. Some spinal cord fibers remain intact so some motor function remains below the injury. There are varying degrees of incomplete injuries.
  • Paraplegia. Paralysis in the legs and possibly parts of the torso, depending on the location of the injury. Arms retain function.
  • Quadriplegia/Tetraplegia. Paralysis in both arms and legs due to injury in the cervical spine.
  • Cauda equina syndrome. Injury to lumbar nerves causes bowel or bladder dysfunction and numbness in the legs.

Even when incomplete, spinal cord damage usually results in permanent impairments to motor function, sensation, bowel or bladder control, sexual function, breathing, and temperature regulation. Our lawyers make sure insurers understand the long-term implications.

What Are the First Steps After a Spinal Cord Injury?

Beyond prompt emergency medical care, it is crucial to:

  • Document the scene with photos and witness accounts. Do not modify the accident scene until investigators document it. Preserving evidence is key.
  • Seek legal counsel immediately. An attorney starts building your injury claim right away while the evidence is fresh. Do not wait.
  • Follow doctor's orders closely. Recovering maximum function requires diligent rehab and therapy. Stay focused on your care.
  • Record expenses. Keep meticulous records of all medical bills, costs, lost income, and other damages to claim later.
  • Adjust your home for accessibility. Install ramps, widen doors, and modify bathrooms and kitchen to enable functioning.

Taking these proactive steps positions you to pursue fair compensation for your life-changing injury.

Trust an Award-Winning Seattle Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The insurance companies do not have your best interests at heart. They'll try to deny or minimize your claim at every turn. Our lawyers relentlessly confront insurers to force fair settlements. We prepare thoroughly for trial and will not hesitate to take your case to court if needed.

Put our proven experience to work for you. Contact Moseley Collins Law online or call for a free consultation today. We provide compassionate legal guidance to maximize your financial recovery after a spinal cord injury.

Client Reviews
"When I was injured I felt truly hopeless. I didn't know where to turn when I was released from the hospital. Luckily, I remembered your phone number and I called you. You won a nice settlement for me. Thank you!" Charles T.
"May God bless you always, Moseley and your wonderful staff. You all were there for us when we needed it most. We are forever grateful." Tina N.
"Everyone at the law firm was helpful, considerate and courteous. I would highly recommend Moseley Collins. Thank you so much." Robyn D.